Tuesday 5 August 2014

“A Tribute to Tajul Ulema”: Markaz pays homage to the scholar headship

Jamia Markaz: With heavy hearts and praying lips, hundreds of thousands of believers thronged in the special spiritual conference organized in memoriam of the great sayyid, guru, scholar and leader of our time; Tajul Ulema Sayyid Abdurahman Al Bukhari, or the better known, Ullal Thangal, here in Markaz.  Jamia Chancellor Sheikh Abubaker Ahmed delivered the commemorative speech at “A tribute to Tajul Ulema”, paying lofty deference to the departed soul.
 Remembering Tajul Ulema, he said that, Thangal was the unparalleled scholar and brave leader of the Muslim community and his absence is a heavy loss, which cannot be repaired or replaced. His profound knowledge in the Holy Qur’an, Prophetic traditions and Islamic books really spell bounded many and he dedicated himself for the cause of spreading the spiritual enlightenment and heavenly knowledge. He was both bold and brawny in matters related to the original faith and practice of Islam.  His disciple circle included great scholars who are committed to keep the light of knowledge for the posterities.  His students could never go wrong or astray, for he had the spiritual connection and guidance for all of them.   It is a false argument in Islam that those who have passed away should not be commemorated. At the same time there are solid proofs that it is a good practice for the entire Muslim community to remember the great Auliya and scholars, and thereby enhance our lives, added Sheikh Abubaker.
The programme was enriched with spiritual agendas like Burda recitation, Khatmul Qur’an, Tahleel and special prayers. The staff and students offered thousands of Khatmul Quran and millions of Thahleel for Thajul Ulema. C. Muhammad Faizee welcomed and Dr. Husain Saquafi delivered the introductory speech.

Other than thousands of Sharia students and laymen, VIP participants included Sayyid Ibrahim Khaleel Bukhari, Sayyid Zainul Abideen Bafaqi, Sayyid Abdul Fathah Avelam, Sayyid Sharafuddin Jamalullaili, Sayyid Suhail Saquafi, PKS Thangal Thalappara, Sayyid Thaha Saquafi, Husain Musliyar Padanilam, K.K. Ahmed Kutty Musliar, VPM Villiapally, UK Muhammad Ali Baqavi, Dr. Abdussalam, MN Siddiq Haji and Nasar Haji.